Mindful Munching with 5 Nutritional Benefits of Chappan Bhog Makhanas

Mindful Munching with 5 Nutritional Benefits of Chappan Bhog Makhanas

Ananya Biswas

Do you often find yourself bewildered about what to eat or not in the evening after a taxing day at work? We usually think less and eat what we get in hand easily which can adversely affect our well-being. In some cases, office-goers  have zero energy making healthy evening snacks after a thoroughly exhausting day. People accordingly are nowadays rediscovering healthy and low-calorie snacking items and Chappan Bhog makhanas can be a perfect munching partner for health conscious individuals. In recent times, Makhanas or fox nuts have become popular due to its immense health benefits and promotional boost by many celebrities.

Chappan Bhog makhanas, a crunchy and palatable lotus seeds, with bountiful health benefits help people boost metabolism and lose weight in different ways.This article will discuss underappreciated benefits of Chappan Bhog roasted makhanas with different flavours and how these uplifts people’s craving for low-calorie snacks as well as maintaining outstanding heart and gut health. 

Nutritional ratio of Makhanas

Makhanas are the powerhouse of various potential nutrients including fibre, potassium, portioned carbohydrates and low saturated fat content which balance blood circulation and keep cardiovascular health strong. For sturdy liver and kidney health, vital nutrients like protein, magnesium and calcium in makhanas work like wonders by eliminating all the toxins from the body. Essential elements like Potassium in makhanas helps reduce cholesterol levels and protects people from inconceivable cardiac arrest. Chappan Bhog makhanas are absolutely gluten-free and available now in different flavours as people's craving and taste should not be compromised as far as healthy and low-calorie snacks are concerned.

5 proven health benefits of Chappan Bhog makhanas

Promote weight loss

Losing weight is not easier if you cannot control your tongue, and sometimes healthy and low-calorie snacking foods are tough to find out. Incorporating makhanas in your mindful diet helps you stick to your weight loss management until you reach your goal. Chappan Bhog makhanas are rich in protein and fiber which maintain the appetite and keep you full for a longer time. For robust digestive health, intake of fiber in makhanas helps in reducing unusual cravings and aids you stay away from various digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and more.

Plentiful antioxidants

Makhans are immensely sourced with various antioxidants like gallic acid, epicatechin and chlorogenic acid which keep bodies free from harmful radicals and effectively boost the immune system. Chappan Bhog makhanas in different flavours and tastes helps people get rid of chronic diseases such as cancer, type-2 diabetes and any other heart-related issues. Additionally,consumption of low-calorie snacks like makhanas helps lessen inflammation by cleansing out all the harmful substances from human bodies and aids in reforming dead tissues which keep individuals away from diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, goot and more.

Diabetes armour 

People struggling with diabetes can fearlessly have makhanas due to its low glycemic index by helping diabetic patients control their glucose levels in blood.Chappan Bhog makhanas with great tastes and flavours are low in sugar and rich in fiber which aids people in blood sugar management. A recent study shows that eliminating a particular compound from makhana seeds controls blood sugar levels. Thus, if someone has to eat diabetic-friendly snack in the evenings or some other time, Chappan Bhog makhanas can be considered as a low-calorie snack to buy.

Kidney and heart health protector

We usually sometimes eat random outside oily foods which uplift uric acid and creatinine levels in blood and it damages kidney health. However, makhanas having plentiful antioxidants helps human bodies purify the urinary health system and maintain regular blood flow and urination. Additionally, various vital nutrients in Chappan Bhog makhanas like magnesium, calcium, protein and carbohydrates aid in lowering the cholesterol levels in blood which keeps cardiovascular health strong and helps people stay away from various heart issues.

Anti-ageing properties

People of new generations are always inclined to maintain a balanced diet sourced with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which slows down their ageing process and promotes healthy skin by reducing oxidative stress and cleansing unstable molecules. Makhanas are backed up with an abundance of antioxidants properties and amino acids which decelerate early ageing and keeps your skin radiant and youthful. As people now have less time in hands to prepare foods, makhanas can be a go-to snack option which improves digestion and promotes weight loss due to its abundant antioxidants properties and exceptional nutritional values. Chappan Bhog is always ready to serve you low-calorie snacks to add to your regular diet routine which satisfies hunger for an extended period of time and helps people with gluten sensitivities. Moreover, If your nutritional wellness is the topmost priority, you can undoubtedly grab one pack of roasted makhanas from Chappan Bhog which are commendable alternatives of other packaged foods and equally quell your abrupt hunger pangs.
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